Municipality of Bury
Bylaw regarding town planning 338-2023
Urban zoning map 339-1-2023
Specification Grids 339-1-2023 - Annex 2
Zoning map 339-1-2023
Bylaw regarding zoning 339-1-2023
Bylaw regarding allotment 340-2023
Bylaw regarding construction 341-2023
Bylaw respecting the conditions for the issuance of building permits 342-2023
Bylaw regarding permits and certificats 343-2023
Bylaw regarding constituting a planning advisory committee 348-2023

Bylaw decreeing the imposition of a tax for the purpose of financing 9-1-1 emergency centers 379-2023
Bylaw speed limit 437-2023
Bylaw taxation for 2025 401-2025
Bylaw taxation for 2024 401-2024
Bylaw taxation for 2023 401-1-2023
Bylaw taxation for 2023 401-2023
Bylaw adopting a code of ethics for municipal employees 411-2018
Bylaw regarding fire prevention 413-2012
Bylaw regarding nuisances and governing other economic activities (in French)
Bylaw regarding building demolition 442-2023
Bylaw regarding the installation of a safety valve (check valve) 430-2016
Bylaw regarding animals 435-2021
Bylaw regarding contract management 436-1-2020
Bylaw regarding standardized general regulations on the territory of the MRC du HSF