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Municipality of Bury


Ressources MRC

Some of these resources are specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic situation but most are available year around.

Ressources MRC

Some of these resources are specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic situation but most are available year around.

Centre Culturel Uni of Bury

Social and cultural activities and hall rental.
Margaret James, Présidente. 800, route 255 Nord Bury (Québec) J0B 1J0

Centre Culturel Uni of Bury

Social and cultural activities and hall rental.
Margaret James, Présidente. 800, route 255 Nord Bury (Québec) J0B 1J0

La Méridienne

La Méridienne is a shelter for women and their children who are victims of congugal violence. All services are free and confidentiel.

La Méridienne

La Méridienne is a shelter for women and their children who are victims of congugal violence. All services are free and confidentiel.

Bury Women’s Institute

International movement working at the well being of the community via special activities and targeted areas, such as scholarships. Sandra Morrison, Présidente

Bury Women’s Institute

International movement working at the well being of the community via special activities and targeted areas, such as scholarships. Sandra Morrison, Présidente

Bury’s Image

Municipal newsletter is published 8 times a year by volunteer staff. Kathie McClintock, présidente.
C.P. 325
Bury (Québec) J0B 1J0

Bury’s Image

Municipal newsletter is published 8 times a year by volunteer staff. Kathie McClintock, présidente.
C.P. 325
Bury (Québec) J0B 1J0

Jolly Seniors

Social activities for seniors.
Beth Strapps, présidente

Jolly Seniors

Social activities for seniors.
Beth Strapps, présidente

Brookbury Community Center

Renting space for social activities.
571, route 255
Bishopton (Québec) J0B 1J0 Brenda Bailey, présidente

Brookbury Community Center

Renting space for social activities.
571, route 255
Bishopton (Québec) J0B 1J0 Brenda Bailey, présidente

Bury Athletic Association

Canada Day activities and sponsoring of Halloween party and sports activities for the youth of the community.

Bury Athletic Association

Canada Day activities and sponsoring of Halloween party and sports activities for the youth of the community.

Legion bursaries

The Royal Canadian Legion, Quebec Command and Bury Branch 48 offer bursaries to children or immediate descendants of deceases veterans Or children of parents either of whom are eligible for membership in the Legion. Selections are made by the Quebec Command Youth Bursaries Committee. If selected, applicants may also be awarded a Bursury from Branch 48.

All required information must be received at Provincial Command Office before March 1, 2017. For complete eligibility and selection criteria, as well as application forms, please call Valerie MacLeod, Branch 48 Secretary at 819-872-3642 or e-mail : 563, rue Main Bury (Québec) J0B 1J0 819 889-1024